She may now be a crorepati-in-waiting after Gujarat government announced a reward of Rs one crore for her achievement on Friday, but this tribal girl is yet to emerge out of poverty. Reason: Rs five lakh cash awards declared for her stellar performances in national competitions is yet to reach her even after two years. The state government had decided to give cash prize to the winners of national competition. In 2016 and 2017, Sarita won a silver and three bronze medals in 400 metre sprints, making her eligible for Rs five lakh reward.
Sarita’s parents Laxman and Renu Gaekwad in their native Kardaiamba vilage in Dang.When asked about the pending Rs five lakh cash prize, VP Patel, secretary, sports, youth & cultural activities, Gujarat government, said he was not aware about the delay. “However, I will inquire into it and find out what is entitled to,” Patel told TOI.
Her rakhi brother Darshan Desai, a trustee of Chikli college where Sarita studies, said, “Asian Games athletes get a fixed daily allowance but I got to know that it has been delayed. She required money for some simple shopping. Since the games began, I have transferred nearly Rs 45,000 to her account.”
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) had announced Sarita as its brand ambassador on Thursday and declared a cash reward of Rs two lakh. “I wish VNSGU gives her the prize promptly so that she can buy some necessary household articles. The Rs one crore award can her build a decent house for the family,” said Desai.
Sarita and her family still live in a rickety house in remote Kardaiamba village, some 22 km off Ahwa town in Dang. Her father Laxmanbhai and mother Remuben have been working as farm labourers, earning of Rs 80-Rs 100 a day for the last 20 years. Her younger brother Daneshwar, who studies in Industrial Training Institute (ITI) but works as farm labourer during vacations.
In 2017, her father was called to accept state government’s Khel Pratibha Puraskar in Vadodara, but was sent back empty-handed saying that it would given to Sarita personally. Her father said, “ Then they had not declared the prize amount, but said that would call Sarita personally once she returned from Australia. But nothing has moved ahead still.”
On Friday, chief minister Vijay Rupani announced Rs one crore prize money for Sarita.
Minister for sports Ishwar Patel said, “According to policy, any sportsperson who wins an individual gold medal gets Rs two crore prize. However, Sarita has won a gold in relay and she will get Rs one crore. Also, she is second-year BA student and once she graduates, she will be given a job equivalant to class I officer.”
Read this story in Bengali
from Times of India