World War I: The Indian soldier in foreign battlefields - TIMES TODAY

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Saturday 10 November 2018

World War I: The Indian soldier in foreign battlefields

BENGALURU: France, Flanders, East Africa, Gallipoli, Aden, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Transcaspia and even Persia. 104 years ago, when crossing a sea was still a taboo for many in the subcontinent, thousands of untrained soldiers from undivided India boarded ships and set out for these foreign shores , and from there to the battlefields of what’s today called the Great War.

Today, November 11, is the centenary of Armistice Day – a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the war – and the UK says it has not forgotten the contribution of Indians. Last week, British Prime Minister Theresa May, said: “We must never forget that over 74,000 soldiers came from undivided India and lost their lives, 11 of them won the Victoria Cross for their outstanding bravery.”

The Indian soldier in a foreign field


Indian soldiers digging a trench, which is then reinforced with sandbags and protected by barbed wire at the front in Fauquissart, France. | Pic Courtesy: Crown Copyright/British Library


Indian cavalry horse hospital in a French factory in 1915. | Pic Courtesy: Crown Copyright/British Library


A group of soldiers, British Highlander and Indian Dogras, sitting in a trench in an undisclosed location. | Pic Courtesy: Crown Copyright/British Library


A group of soldiers at a signal station for the Dehra Dun Brigade. The two men in the centre of the picture are on field telephones, taking messages. | Pic Courtesy: Crown Copyright/British Library


Indian infantry in the trenches, prepared against a gas attack in Fauquissart, France. ; Pic Courtesy: Crown Copyright/British Library

More than 13 lakh men and 1.7 lakh animals left India. At least 74,000 soldiers lost their lives. More than $20 billion in today’s money, including 3.7 million tonnes of supplies went from India.

The worry that a majority of these men being drafted into its army were untrained notwithstanding, the British seized on the opportunity that they were willing to fight and took advantage. However, not all the men who went out from India were untrained, although most were underequipped compared to the armies of Germany and other Axis members.

The Mysore Lancers and the Jodhpur Lancers, for example, are still remembered for their contribution and the Israelis still say they owe them for the Battle of Haifa. Although there isn’t much dispute about India’s contribution in the war, the achievement of the Indian Corps in the Western Front has been the subject of intense debate.

Santanu Das, who has authored Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature and edited many books on the war writes for the British Library: “Military historians such as Jeffrey Greenhut had pointed out their uneven performance, noting the unsuitability of a colonial army raised primarily for internal and frontier defence for industrial warfare or the long European winters, without adequate training or winter clothing.” But, he says, some of these ideas have been challenged by a younger generation of scholars such as George Morton-Jack who have argued for the professionalism and competence of the Indian Corps on the Wester n Front.

The Indian contingent was a multi-ethnic, multilingual and multi-religious force consisting semi-or-nonliterate people. This means that there aren’t many diaries, poems and memoirs, but traces of their war experience is scattered across the libraries, archives and private collections.

The British Library, for one, has a good collection, and just last week, it made public a host of letters and photographs relating to Indians during the war. If one letter from an unnamed sepoy likens the war to Mahabharata another letter from Maulvi Sard-Ud-Din demands that all Mohammedan soldiers be given a proper burial as per customs.

There is enough material to show how important India’s contribution was – from operating telephones in the signals corps, to fighting gas attacks in theatres of the war, Indians were everywhere – but somehow, it was largely ignored soon after the war.

But things are changing.

Sqn Leader Rana Chhinna, Secretary, United Service Institution (USI) of India said: “It is a matter of great pride that the very significant Indian contribution to the war that changed the course of modern history is finally getting the recognition that it so richly deserves. The Indian soldier deserves an acknowledgement of his contribution, and a commemoration of his sacrifice, making clear his central place in history.”

So, why did these men participate in the Great War? Historians have noted that initially, it was a means of proving India’s loyalty to Britain and that the mainstream political opinion’ was also in favour of the war effort with an intensity that took even the colonial administrators by surprise. Even-Gandhi said, after his return in 1915, that if India were to obtain greater political responsibility, it must offer its unconditional support to Britain in her hour of need.

Marking 100 years since Armistice Day, the USI of India, supported by the British High Commission, is hosting a series of events here, over the weekend to commemorate the contribution of the Indian Army to World War I.
UK Member of Parliament and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat, said in a statement shared with STOI: “I’m privileged to have the opportunity to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the cause of freedom – including more than 74,000 men who did not return home to India. India’s remarkable contribution to the war effort must be recognized, because it changed the course of history.” His statement comes at a time the UK is in the middle of centenary commemorations that have a three-fold agenda: To revive the memory of a forgotten legion and to honour its sacrifice; to build bridges with partner nations through the acknowledgement of a shared past; and to highlight the futility of war and the urgent need to work towards its eradication as a means of settling disputes among nations.
India and the UK share amicable relations today, 70 years after the former gained Independence. But the Great War had its impact on India’s freedom struggle too. The stresses and strains imposed by the wartime economy strengthened the cracks that had already begun to appear in the structure of imperial solidarity.
By the time the war ended, Britain’s relationship with India had changed. The contiguous social and political effects then hastened the process that would lead to the end of the British Raj.

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